- The Yachts
- 2009
- Bear Necessity
Bear Necessity
Bear Necessity was launched in 2007 just prior to the Rolex Sydney Hobart that year, her first start having arrived from Baltimore in late November 2007. She raced in last year's Audi Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race, followed by the Middle Harbour Yacht Club’s Summer Pointscore 2009, where she finished first, and second in IRC in this year's Pittwater to Newcastle Yacht Race.
Competitor Details
Yacht Name | Bear Necessity |
Sail Number | MH115 |
Owner | Andrew and Pauline Dally |
Skipper | Andrew Dally (4) |
Crew | A. Tavener, R. Donaldson, G. Greaves, D. Bridges, L. Rattcliff, P. Taylor, B. Rattcliff, P. Dally, A. Dally. |
State | NSW |
Club | MHYC/RSYS |
Type | C & C 115 |
Designer | Tim Jackett |
Builder | Novis Marine |
Construction | GRP |
LOA | 11.5 |
Beam | 3.63 |
Draft | 2 |